AI is already destroying the IT industry

It has been increasingly frustrating getting a job in the IT market, has it not? With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and more people using it, the need for recruiting people into the IT industry is wearing thin. Taking up programming courses for the purposes of entering the software market is becoming less and less desired as the job market turns to AI to take up the positions.

My 17 years of self-taught programming knowledge, in my case, has become a complete waste of time. With no future, no hope and no prospects for a possibility to enter the IT industry, even in the lower brackets of software dev like web design and development, it is becoming more and more depressing by the day how one could possibly enter the industry.

We have only ourselves to blame, however. We took it upon ourselves to embrace AI and look at where it's gotten us? I wrote an article about the use of AI and it's promises to become the method through which to develop software, and as it's use increases, the more I regret saying it.

There is no way that new programmers are likely to get a job. Even someone of my skills cannot possibly get a job, and now the future is becoming increasingly bleak.

They say software developers will become obsolete in ten years, because of AI. Well, whose fault was that? Oh, yeah, the software developers. They brought the world to the disaster it is now as AI is slowly taking up big parts of the industry and chipping away at the simpler jobs too. Humans themselves are becoming obsolete, and the desire to find a purpose in life is getting harder and harder.

The World of Tech is already over

There is no point denying it. The World of Tech is already over, and all the engineers given the job to develop AI have only themselves to blame. These "traitors of the human race", as I prefer to call them, have all but destroyed the IT industry and replaced us with AI. Fewer jobs exist, and competition will only get fiercer and more heated as AI's usage increases.

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