We are being played HARD!

Dozens of attacks from all sides are making us question our choices, desperate as these times may be.

Dozens of attacks from all sides are making us question our choices, desperate as these times may be. It is no surprise that the last few weeks have brought about a huge amount of alleged hate crime, more talk on artificial intelligence and how it impacts media censorship, corporate powers taking advantage of civil unrest to sell to governments more sophisticated surveillance technology, and more.

The British are mounting a resistance

While I am angered at the government and the blatant and deliberate opening of our borders to large swathes of immigrants from across the world, primarily the Middle East in recent decades, I am certainly not as angry as most other people in this country.

What brings me to question the level of violence I am seeing on the streets is not regarding any lack of restraint, but rather what the outcome will be.

To put it in the words of the controversial investigative journalist, David Icke, "problem, reaction, solution," plays a deep level here. Likely Icke has already spoken in these terms already, but let's pin-point these three ideas.

  1. Problem - You have a problem, and that is unfettered mass migration on an unsustainable scale. The migration problem has led to an increase in crime on the streets, but that's nothing new. Some of the roughest areas in Britain are multicultural, which is strange since this has been the norm for decades, but I digress.
  2. Reaction - Then you get a reaction from the public. The public have voted for years demanding change, particularly since 2016 at the EU referendum, which saw a 52% majority vote leave. But recently, due to votes not demonstrating any real results, reaction has taken the form of protests, which has led to several cities going into civil unrest.
  3. Solution - Instead of tackling the core problem, the solution is not to close the borders to further immigrants, but rather to name and shame the native Britons whose children are being murdered, and then use this to justify sending "more resources" (to put it in Kier Starmer's words) to the police to tackle this unrest.

What we see is the continued and repeated mantra of the control system, or what most people call "the Establishment". The "problem, reaction, solution" which David Icke coined is an important phrase we should not forget.

In all likelihood, it has been planned for a very long time to get Britons to breaking point and to use this to cause the civil unrest we see now which they plan to justify bringing in a controlled, surveillance state, dictated to by an authority demanding the suppression of the native population and replace them with an extremist ideology whose sole purpose is to invade the world and destroy anyone who isn't them.

It brings into question how we might solve this problem and not exacerbate it to the systems' desires. Believe me when I say this, although there is a right to defend oneself in confrontation with those who seek to destroy you, there is a concern that retaliation will only further justify more restrictions on our lives. For every move we make justifying laws that impoverishes those who didn't even attend these protests, we become part of the problem and not the solution.

I'm not saying don't protest, but there are other ways we can express our non-compliance to authority to demand change.

What is a Government, really?

To understand how we might solve this situation, we must understand how the government is able to perform its functions on a day-by-day basis. If we consider for a moment that the government is a business, and its customers are the citizens of the country, then customers have a right to demand a refund if service quality is not met. If a refund is not given, the company is subject to Consumer Rights laws.

In the case of a government refusing to provide adequate service to its population, it should be subjected to investigation by the International Criminal Courts, whose purpose is to investigate individuals in positions of authority who commit crimes within the context of international law. Unfortunately, the ICC does not do this properly. As we should all be aware, the ICC is part of the control system and is only in operation when it suits.

So, when your perceived enemy has a protection racket around it, how the hell do you get your message across if protest only exacerbates the problem? Well, we can be non-compliant for a start.

One of the most effective ways to get a message across to government is to refuse to work or go to school. Also known as a "General Strike", people reject their working environment to protest peacefully, whether privately or in public assemblies, which prevents the government from being paid the taxes they are owed. If no one is working, where does the tax money come from?

Government cannot function without this money, so it needs people to work. Well, what if no one worked? Ta da, a form a non-compliance that doesn't require blood to be spilt. It also can't be used to justify more restrictions on our lives, because we're not doing anything to justify it.

Kids being stabbed in schools, you say? Yes, even more reason to pull our kids out of school. There is almost zero reason at this point in time to continue taking our children to school if they're only going to be increasingly violated by murderous scum.

Take your kids out of school!

The last time I suggested this was in two articles about how trans ideology was forcing kids to believe in pseudo-scientific nonsense about gender identity. This time, it's about stabbings. When will parents understand that the only way we're going to prevent serious harm to our kids is when we stop sending them to the brainwashing camp?

Yes, it might be easier said than done, but there are alternatives in case people get angry at me for suggesting it. There are private child minders, home-schooling, online education, to name a few. There are perhaps more. Do some research and get your kids into a safer environment. If the government can't help us because they refuse to, it's time to start taking matters into our own hands.

Our Non-Compliance is our Greatest Weapon

I've said this many times before, but I had coined a phrase while writing a novel some years back.

The consequences of apathy are far greater than the consequences of defending your freedom. Our non-compliance is our greatest weapon. And for each day that we refuse to use it, the faster it is eroded. Express it now or be prepared to lose everything.

Well, this quote might age well – if only I repeated it more often.

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