This blog is an independent publication launched in September 2022 by Luke Selman. This continues the journey of Luke Selman with a website using this same domain name that had been in place several years ago, focused primarily on political discussion. Since then, various attempts have been made developing ideas and testing marketing strategies for potential prototypes.

All these ideas come from the brilliant, but often disgruntled, mind of yours truly, but many fall to the wayside as a "distraction" or some procrastination.

Luke Selman had attempted to write a book for five years, going by the name Age of Atlantis. For some of the closest followers, this may be familiar. However, this is part of a franchise which was outlined almost ten years ago. Naturally, nothing yet exists of this franchise.

To understand the reasons why nothing has happened yet, we must delve deeper into the spiritual concepts of what makes creative works so demanding, especially ones that are serious.

For this to be explained, this website was born, discussing the various issues revolving a creative mind and attempting to solve them. In turn, we hope that both yourself and the creator can be empowered, improve overall understanding of our reality in order to tackle the most burdening parts of our flawed brains.

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