Videos or Back to Text?

As you are no doubt aware, I have a YouTube channel for all the videos relating to my software programming work. Before, the original StoryDev program was written in the form of a blog during its work-in-progress. This worked out quite well, considering the time I had spent away from work due to an accident at the time (I see the silver lining).

StoryDev is getting an overhaul, as you know, and it is known as Story Creator. This is currently on in its original form, but not much effort has been put into getting an overhaul complete and out for public consumption. Not to mention that the energy crisis in the UK might put a stop to production.

However, that said, I still wish to work on the project as it keeps me sane in this ridiculous world. You can see my rants in other articles on this website. Most importantly, I've been thinking about how I wish to provide the work-in-progress. Work had stopped recently due to the "Meditation Sessions", which no matter how I approach it, I always stumble across a creative block preventing me from continuing.

Over many weeks, I have considered if this is because these mechanics are not worth the time or if there was another reason behind it. After much pondering, I've decided it's primarily down to these mechanics just not being a good fit in the overall design of an interactive story, which would primarily take the form of text.

It's a very niche market with little attention, but if a text-based interactive story can be made in a way that's enjoyable and the reading experience is exciting, then there is no reason to back out of this idea.

Much of what I have done before had taken the form of a blog, like this. I suspect in future endeavours towards Story Creator it would be best to continue this format. Moreover, much of what had existed in the original StoryDev will show in the new Story Creator, and, of course, it will come with a pre-made template that can be used for creating "Story Creator" games. Yes, it may be mostly a semi-linear experience, but there would be many options to make your story as dynamic as possible.

Features like the Conversation editor and the WYSIWYG code editor will make an appearance in the new Story Creator, and it will be made a bit tighter and work better within the game engine, which has yet to be built.

As you know, the game engine did begin, but the efforts towards the Meditation system will be scrapped. This was meant specifically for the game I was making, called Shadowlight. A novel for this has now been released as you may be aware, and a game will follow at some point.

There will be some differences in the story, but the main story arc will be relatively the same. This is because novels and games are two completely different mediums, and a game directly based off a novel simply doesn't work, in the same way that novels based directly off video games also doesn't work, unless you happen to be Blizzard.

We are not, so let's not try to be clever. Shadowlight will come in the form of an interactive story, eventually. So, do keep an eye on these posts because sooner or later, Story Creator will be done and so, too, will Shadowlight.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
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